I took Allison and Samson to the Pediatrician yesterday for a well child visit and walked away with an appointment to the Eye Doctor for Allison along with a sense of impending doom.
Short story long:
When Dr. M looked into Allison's beautiful eyes he fell in love. Just Kidding, he noticed that the reflection was slightly different between the two. After giving me the scary list of what it could be he sent us to see Dr. H. He is the doc that cleared Samson's tear ducts for us last summer. Dr. M was so concerned that he actually called Dr. H and made the appointment for us to go see him that same day. So I took Sam home for a nap and took Alli to see Dr. H. He was very thourough with his eye exam. He said that her one eye is "far sided" +5. He debated with himself about what to do. Finally he decided on glasses. Patching, surgery, and doing nothing being the other options. So Alli now has glasses. Yes, I cried. What mom doesn't cry when she thinks her child's life just got that much harder. (It might be the hormones.) Notice that only one eye is magnified.
Mommy is going to wear her glasses around Alli so that she can feel more comfortable.